Wing Drill Competition
Each year squadron's from all over the wing take part in drill competitions against each other. Normally there are four area competitions, the winners from each area will then go on and take part in the drill competition to then represent the wing and regional field day, which they compete against the other regions.
This years drill team were lead by Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) Roberts. The team conceded of 14 individuals that took part in this event. Team gave every amount of effort that they had and used it to work as a team to overcome problems that they may have had with the sequence they had to learn. CWO Roberts had to learn every command that makes the drill sequence as well. With the cadets all working together and helping each other they made first place at their area competition. This meant that they team had another two weeks to practise and make sure the sequence was at its best. The squadron drill team came 3rd overall out of four squadrons. This was a big achievement for 759 Beccles Squadron.
“I am so proud of the amount of effort and time that all the team members have given up to make sure that all the team understood what they had to do. I found it a highlight to my cadet career and one of the best moments. it was a great challenge that I had to overcome because of the amount of things I had to learn and think about doing within the amount of time we had. The best feel was knowing that we had got through to the finals. I had a lot of support from Flt Sgt Willis and all he other NCOs.”