Wing Field Weekend 2017
Every year we enter a team of 8 cadets from Beccles into the Annual Wing Field Weekend, this year held at West Tofts Camp, Stanta Battleground just outside Thetford. Lead by Cadet Warrant Officer(CWO) Hannah Stokes, with Sergeant(Sgt) Jess Sparkes as her Second In Command(2IC), Corporals(Cpl) Lewis Mathews, Alfie Goldspink, Tierney Bedwell and Cadets Anya Clarke, Edward Curtis, and Jack Testoni.
“I had an amazing time at this year’s Wing Field this year as IC of the Squadron team. Everyone helped each other which was lovely to see and we had a really good weekend. Each member was picked for the different skills they had so that our team was fair and could do well at everything over the weekend. I was extremely proud of everyone and I am now looking forward to next year”
“Being put on the radio team during Wing Field, was an excellent experience because it was a privilege to relay scores back on the radios and do something that I am very fond of. It has also allowed me to see the operations and running of the event. This has allowed me to get first-hand experience of helping to educate the young, inexperienced cadets on the procedures to use radios in an outdoor environment. This was good because I used my expertise to give prompts on how to layout a message to be used as a guide by other cadets. This help went on to a lot of them receiving their blue communication award where they will be allowed to communicate and operate at any cadet event in the future. This is an excellent activity to do at Wing Field because radio is the core of the RAF and understanding the basics of radio can help the cadets to progress up the levels potentially even up to the Gold Award in the foreseeable future.”
“Wing Field is an important event with Air Cadets and the activities scores need to get back to the base to be added together for the overall total, this is done by using the Radio Team. There was the largest amount of cadets from various Squadrons doing radio this year, with a total of 21 cadets. The first night we had a double briefing and out into groups based on ability with using the radios and then told where we had to go in the morning.
Most of the Radio Cadets had the chance to have a go at the activities on offer over the weekend to the teams as well. We went to a variety of activities and watched each Squadron from the Wing compete to win. The best part of the weekend for me was seeing the cadets at raft building and see the bonds between the cadets on each Squadron.
Wing Field is always an amazing weekend and it is for anyone to enjoy”